The 20 most commonly Googled diseases

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The 20 most commonly Googled diseases

12 Jul, 2017

Utilizing the internet for a medical diagnosis can remedy concerns over a possible illness for some people, but for others it can provoke additional concerns. According to a 2013 Pew Survey, more than one-third of Americans search for diagnoses online. Only half of those people discuss their findings with an actual healthcare provider.

Although the internet can be a helpful educational tool, obsessively searching for medical information can become a health condition itself. Researchers have termed this “cyberchondria”, and it is sweeping the nation.

According to a data analysis by STAT, these are the most commonly searched health conditions, despite whether they are real or conjured.

  1. Diabetes
  2. Depression
  3. Anxiety
  4. Hemorrhoid
  5. Yeast infection
  6. Lupus
  7. Shingles
  8. Psoriasis
  9. Schizophrenia
  10. Lyme disease
  11. HPV
  12. Herpes
  13. Pneumonia
  14. Fibromyalgia
  15. Scabies
  16. Chlamydia
  17. Endometriosis
  18. Strep throat
  19. Diverticulitis
  20. Bronchitis

Photo: Infectious Disease. Digital Image. Channeling Erik. 6 December 2016. Web. 12 July 2017. <>

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