Accenture ranks top Artificial Intelligence applications in healthcare

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Accenture ranks top Artificial Intelligence applications in healthcare

27 Jun, 2017

According to a recent Accenture analysis, artificial intelligence technologies have the potential to save the US healthcare economy approximately $150 billion annually by 2026. Growth opportunities are hard to come by without significant investment, but artificial intelligence (AI) is a self-running engine for growth in healthcare.

AI in health represents a collection of multiple technologies enabling machines to sense, comprehend, act and learn so they can perform administrative and clinical healthcare functions. Unlike legacy technologies that are only algorithms/ tools that complement a human, health AI today can truly augment human activity.

Here are the top 10 AI applications, ranked by their estimated annual benefits by 2026.

1. Robot-assisted surgery: $40 billion

2. Virtual nursing assistants: $20 billion

3. Administrative workflow assistance: $18 billion

4. Fraud detection: $17 billion

5. Dosage error reduction: $16 billion

6. Connected machines: $14 billion

7. Clinical trial participant identifier: $13 billion

8. Preliminary diagnosis: $5 billion

9. Automated image diagnosis: $3 billion

10. Cybersecurity: $2 billion

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