
The latest trends and tips impacting academic medical center & university’s physician recruitment and executive search objectives.

CU School of Medicine names Heide Ford, PhD, Chair of Pharmacology

14 June, 2022
UNC School of Medicine Recruits Todd Hazelton, MD, Chief of the Department of Radiology’s Division of Thoracic Imaging
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Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis recruits Omokhaye Higo, MD to join Anesthesiology Perioperative leadership team.
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UNC School of Medicine recruits Caprice C. Greenberg, MD, MPH as Chair of Department of Surgery
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Yale School of Medicine names Uma Krishnamurti, MBBS, MD, PhD Director of Breast Pathology
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Stanford University School of Medicine Appoints Garry Gold MD, Chair of Radiology

27 May, 2022
Academic Med Celebrates 10th Year in Business
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Penn Medicine appoints Robert H. Vonderheide, MD, DPhil a second five-year term as director of the Abramson Cancer Center
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